
Watch Little Hero Hosting do a migrate to self hosted WordPress

So many bloggers want to make the move from or blogspot to self-hosted wordpress ( but have been worried about the move or have been scared after reading and seeing the horror stories out there. Little Hero Hosting spend a lot of time helping migrate to self hosted wordpress and sadly we have […]

Easter 2013 SUPER SALE

Easter 2013 Super Sale!

We have numerous promotions and products on special sale until the 2nd April!

Referral promotion for existing clients!
Little Bento Shop Sponsorship & promotion

If you need help or have any questions please contact us and one of the friendly team will be happy to help you out.
Would you like HALF PRICE hosting?

Here at […]

eCommerce Hosting Traps, do you know what to avoid?


eCommerce shops are extremly popular amongst SAHM’s & WAHM’s and more and more women in particular are opening shops to generate extra income for their family. Sadly though many are caught in eCommerce hosting nightmares which they unwittingly fell into.

We’ve had an amazing amount of people wanting to move to LHH but have been […]

Hosting, Domain & Web Design Misconceptions Part 1

It’s amazing how often I hear “oh I wish I knew that” or “Oh no I was told xyz”.

I spend a lot of time answering emails from people who are confused about information they are given and it seems that increasingly people are being given incorrect information about hosting, domain registration and design. To help […]

Backup your website, what you need to know!

I’m constantly amazed at the amount of people who tell me they don’t have backup’s of their websites, worse still they don’t even know they should be backing up on a regular basis or if their web host even provides backup’s if all else fails.

How many times have you heard, “my sites been hacked, […]